Wednesday's Faculty Lecture - "W.E.B. Dubois and His Time at the University of Berlin" by Bryan Ganaway - College of Charleston Libraries

September 21, 2015
Spotlight, News & Happenings, Friends of the Library, Addlestone Library

WEB-Dubois-300x215 Wednesday's Faculty Lecture - "W.E.B. Dubois and His Time at the University of Berlin" by Bryan GanawayDon’t miss “W.E.B. Dubois and His Time at the University of Berlin” by Bryan Ganaway on Wednesday, September 23rd!

  • Location: Addlestone Library, Room 227
  • Time: 12 Noon

This lecture is part of the College of Charleston “Charleston Syllabus.”  All staff, faculty, students and community members are welcome to attend.

Sponsored by the Honors College and Friends of the Library.


Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.