The Arrival of the James O. Rigney Papers to Special Collections. - College of Charleston Libraries

December 6, 2012
College of Charleston, Collection Highlights

Here are some photos of the arrival of the James O. Rigney Jr. papers to its final home on the shelves of our manuscript vault in the Special Collections department in the Addlestone Library at the College of Charleston. Here the papers will await to be processed and made available to researchers, students and fans.

DSC_00071-300x198 The Arrival of the James O. Rigney Papers to Special Collections.

DSC_0004-300x198 The Arrival of the James O. Rigney Papers to Special Collections.

DSC_0002-300x198 The Arrival of the James O. Rigney Papers to Special Collections.

DSC_00032-300x198 The Arrival of the James O. Rigney Papers to Special Collections.

DSC_00631-e1355159074516-198x300 The Arrival of the James O. Rigney Papers to Special Collections.


Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.