Here’s What’s Happening! - College of Charleston Libraries

June 13, 2014

The-Music-Room-will-become-3-group-studies Here’s What’s Happening!
The music room will become 3 group studies.

Parts-of-the-static-shelving-that-will-be-installed-in-the-new-mobile-shelving Here’s What’s Happening!
Parts of the static shelving that will be installed in the new mobile shelving.

Preparing-ductwork-for-multipurpose-room Here’s What’s Happening!
Preparing ductwork for multipurpose room.

More-prep-work-for-the-multi-purpose-room Here’s What’s Happening!
More prep work for the multi-purpose room.

nesting-chair-in-new-science-center Here’s What’s Happening!
Nesting chair in new science center.

Locating-precisely-where-to-drill-holes-for-power Here’s What’s Happening!
Locating precisely where to drill holes for power.

beginning-to-lay-rails-for-the-mobiles Here’s What’s Happening!
Beginning to lay rails for the mobiles.

laying-the-flooring-3 Here’s What’s Happening!
Laying the flooring.

laying-the-flooring-2 Here’s What’s Happening!

laying-the-flooring-4 Here’s What’s Happening!

laying-the-floor-covering-1 Here’s What’s Happening!

Continuing-to-prep-for-the-multi-purpose-room Here’s What’s Happening!
Continuing to prep for the multi purpose room.

Adding-shelving-to-Special-Collections-Reading-Room Here’s What’s Happening!
Adding shelving to Special Collections Reading Room.

Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.