Faculty Workshop | Open Textbooks: Access, Affordability, and Academic Success - College of Charleston Libraries

January 19, 2021
Workshops, Spotlight, Addlestone Library, Access & Instruction Services

Are you finding that increasing numbers of your students are not buying the required texts for your courses and are struggling as a result? Learn how open educational resources (OER) can alleviate financial pressures for your students, improve their academic success, and meet your own pedagogical needs. This workshop is primarily intended for teaching faculty, but anyone interested in textbook affordability is welcome to attend.

Attendees will have an opportunity following the session to review an OER textbook in their field. Faculty who attend the workshop and subsequently submit a review will be eligible for a $50 stipend.

The workshop will be held virtually via Zoom. Registration for the event is available here: https://libcal.library.cofc.edu/calendar/exhibits/oer

The workshop will be led by CofC librarians Kayla Kipps and Gretchen Scronce. Please reach out to Kayla (kippskl@cofc.edu) or Gretchen (scronceg@cofc.edu) with any questions.

Related LibGuide: Affordable Learning Resources by Gretchen Scronce

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Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.