Charleston's Days of Grace - College of Charleston Libraries

September 3, 2015
Raising Awareness, News & Happenings, Events, Events, College Reads

If you are not already planning to join, please consider participating this weekend!

Charleston’s Days of Grace September 5 & 6, 2015: Love’s Work Is Justice

September 5, 9am, Wragg Square: National Mass March & Rally | September 5, 2-6pm/September 6, 7:30a – 3pm: Strategy Conference
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If you believe that an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, and if you understand that what happened at Emanuel AME has implications far beyond Charleston, and if you believe that we can build a movement together to save South Carolina’s soul and the soul of the nation, then join us as we proclaim “Forward Together, Not One Step Back!”

This Labor Day weekend, people of faith and conscience will come together in Charleston to remember our fallen friends and to reflect on the racism and hatred that lay at the root of their deaths, as well as the violence that tears away at the fabric of our communities.

Specifically, the gathering will call for an end to racist violence and the transformation of our commemorative landscape—our monuments, markers, and historic sites—to fully
reflect South Carolina’s traditions of diversity and democracy. We will also come together to honor Clementa Pinckney and to affirm the moral principles that he stood for as pastor and public servant. These include:
An end to discriminatory policing
Expanded voting rights
A living wage and collective bargaining rights for all working people
Affordable healthcare and Medicaid expansion
Quality education as a basic human right
An end to gun violence

Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.