“Liberating the Spirit, Securing the Body: James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Discourses of Redemption” Wed., November 9 at Noon

Brown Bag Series: "Practical Theology for Church Diversity," Ken Walden, PhD, Hood Theological Seminary, Avery Research Center, 11 am-12:15 pm
![susan glisson flyer[2]](https://library.charleston.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/susan-glisson-flyer2.jpg)
Lecture: "Opening the Closed Society," Susan Glisson, William Winter Institute at the University of Mississippi, Avery Research Center, April 14th, 6:00 pm

Public Discussion: “Moving from Crisis to Action: A Public Health Approach to Reducing Gun Violence,” Mother Emanuel AME Church, Dec. 4, 9:00 am-7:30 pm

Avery Research Center Brown Bag Series: “Somebody Had To Do It: First Children in School Desegregation,” Millicent Brown, Dec 3rd, 12-1:15 pm

Avery Brown Bag Series: “I’ll Find a Way or Make One: Two Black Artists in 1920s Charleston,” Mae Whitlock Gentry, Nov 13, 12-1:15 pm