Addlestone Library
Don't Miss Tomorrow's (10/23 @ 3) Study Skills Workshop 201: Current Awareness with Guest Speaker Burton Callicott!
Don't Miss Today's BANNED BOOKS WEEK DIY FAIR (11am-3pm) & Study Skills Workshop 201: "EVERNOTE" (9/25) @ 3 in Addlestone LIbrary!
RE-SCHEDULED! Study Skills Workshops 201: “Writing Lit Reviews” with guest speaker Melissa Thomas, Director of the Center for Student Learning!
Don’t Miss TOMORROW’S Study Skills Workshops 201: “Writing Lit Reviews” with guest speaker Melissa Thomas, Director of the Center for Student Learning!
It’s that time again! Tomorrow @3PM in Addlestone Library – Don’t miss our first Study Skills 201 Workshop by Ernest Brevard Jr. on Making the Most of Study Time!
By popular demand! How to make comics with you and your friends, the Bitstrips Special Holiday Episode sponsored by FYE, CSL and the Library!