Call for Entries: Quality Enhancement Plan Sustainability Literacy Exhibit, 2016-2017 - College of Charleston Libraries

September 21, 2016

Screen-Shot-2016-09-21-at-12.17.00-PM-300x221 Call for Entries: Quality Enhancement Plan Sustainability Literacy Exhibit, 2016-2017Theme: Sustainability Literacy as a Bridge to Addressing 21st Century Problems

Description of Entries Sought: Works demonstrating research, scholarship, and creative endeavors embodying sustainability by College of Charleston faculty and students are sought. Submissions from each School and academic entity showcasing evidence of student and faculty collaborative projects are especially encouraged. This initial sustainability literacy exhibit will be a prelude to exhibits highlighting other sustainability themes in subsequent academic years. For example, during 2017-2018, water quality and quantity will be explored. The goal of the exhibit is to highlight to the community existing faculty expertise and faculty/student collaborations on sustainability literacy, defined for the QEP as having the knowledge and skills to advocate for resilient social, economic, and environmental systems.

Exhibition Dates: December 2016 – June 2017

Exhibit Location: Second floor exhibit wall, Marlene and Nathan Addlestone Library, 205 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC

Measurement Specifications and Examples of Media:

  • Two-dimensional works are not to exceed 30” wide and can be up to 40” tall
  • Small three-dimensional objects less than 5 lbs. that can be suspended from the ceiling
  • Larger three-dimensional objects for table-top display
  • Artistic works made from found or recycled materials
  • Holograms
  • Flip books
  • Moving images (there are a limited number of screens for content display)
  • Posters representing visual and textual description of projects and research
  • Printed photographs
  • Given the setting of the exhibit, audio and recorded sound will only be accepted on a case-by-case basis

Submission Details: For planning purposes, please submit a preliminary 250 word project narrative describing the work and the visual representation that will be exhibited to Todd LeVasseur at by October 7. Supplementary images or graphics are also welcome. Works in final physical format are due no later than November 14. Details on delivery to the Addlestone Library will follow.

What is Sustainability Literacy?

Sustainability – as defined by the College’s Quality Enhancement Plan – is the ability to integrate economic, social and environmental systems in ways that allow for individual, institutional, community, regional and planetary resilience. The objective of the QEP is to enhance student learning by helping students acquire sustainability literacy. This means having the knowledge and skills to advocate for resilient social, economic and environmental systems. In some circles, this is known as the triple bottom line.

One of the ways in which College of Charleston community members – students, faculty and staff – can nurture each other’s understanding of the inextricable links between environmental, social and economic sustainability is through showcasing faculty and student projects and work that falls under the umbrella of sustainability literacy. The overall goal of this exhibit is to showcase to the community how the College of Charleston is already actively teaching and researching sustainability literacy and how the QEP will enhance these existing strengths of our institution.

To learn more, visit the College of Charleston’s Portal for Sustainability Literacy at


Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.