Books on Bikes/Bikes on Books - College of Charleston Libraries

April 3, 2015
What's New, News & Happenings, College of Charleston, Books, Addlestone Library

11114278_10206449193577451_5228140840768320431_n-11w6fhq-300x300 Books on Bikes/Bikes on BooksAt the end of summer 2014, CofC senior Sylvie Baele contacted the library about creating a book display about bicycling. She worked with librarian Burton Callicott and library staff member Alana Lewis over the course of last semester.

In addition to featuring some of the library’s collection of books and films, Baele contacted Microcosm Publishing , a small publisher of books and zines that has a number of books about bicycles and bike culture, to procure donations for the display. Also featured are stickers and pamphlets about SC bike laws for students to take.


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Duchamp – “Bicycle Wheel” – 1913

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Finally, inspired by Duchamp’s 1913 sculpture “Bicycle Wheel,” Baele created the sculpture “A New Spin on Duchamp.” The spokes are filled with photos from students, faculty and staff at CofC biking for work and for fun. Come on in and give it a spin!

Here is a full list of books on display! They are located on the mobile display on the first floor of Addlestone. Check out a book or grab a pamphlet.

Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.