Accepting iPad proposals for Spring and Annual Library Faculty survey - College of Charleston Libraries

November 10, 2014
Addlestone Library

Dear Library users,

The Addlestone library is conducting its annual user survey from November 5th  until November 21st  and we encourage your participation.  We’re doing things differently this year by distributing a separate survey specifically for faculty targeting research and instructional needs in addition to the general user survey. Please let us know what you think about the library and its services by completing one of these surveys.


Survey results will be posted on my blog in December.  Your feedback will help us shape the future of the library and its service to the college community.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.


The Addlestone Library, in partnership with Academic Affairs and the Teaching, Learning and Technology (TLT) department, is soliciting proposals for the iPad program to provide members of our campus community access to a technologically rich environment that encourages technology literacy, information literacy and collaborative learning.

Project Overview
The Library has 60 iPad Airs, cases, and accessories, provided by the Provost’s Office.

Starting January 20, 2015, 30 iPads per class will be available for faculty and students working on a class project for the Spring.  Faculty may request these iPads for students to check out and use for up to three weeks, as a tool to enhance student learning in their course.  Each student and faculty member will check out and return the iPad and peripherals at the circulation desk at Addlestone Library. We will have specific blocks for iPad use so please indicate block preferences.  Jan 20th -Fed 2nd (2 week session) , Feb 6th – Feb 27th, March 9th  – March 30th, April 6th  – April 27th. Students and faculty will check out the iPads from the Library Circulation desk.  The Library and TLT staff are happy to work with you on your projects and assignments to:

  • Promote student engagement in the classroom, the lab, or in the field
  • Assist small group collaboration in idea creation and sharing as well as information search, analysis, and visual representation
  • Provide access to and manipulation of digital content
  • Promote the innovative use of this technology. 

Joey van Arnhem, Instructional Design Librarian, Zach Hartje, Director of the TLT, and Steven Profit, Reference Librarian, will work with you and your students as the team – to design the project, coordinate with faculty and serve as a resource to students.  You may also request an iPad basics special lecture from the library for your students.

In addition, 5 iPads are always available to individual students, faculty and staff to check out for 3 days.

If you would like to participate in the Spring 2015 iPad Program with your class, please complete the form

If you would like to discuss your proposal or talk about how you might most effectively use iPads in your course, please contact:

Zach Hartje, Director of Teaching, Learning and Technology

Joey Van Arnhem, Instructional Design Librarian, Digital Scholarship and Services

Please submit your Request by December 5.   You will be notified if your class has been selected for Spring 2015 project by December 15.

Housekeeping Details

  • Each student and faculty member will check out and return the iPad and peripherals at the circulation desk at Addlestone Library.
  • When your class role is finalized, please send a list of only the students who will be checking out an iPad for your project.
  • Please remind students to save their data to the cloud or external device and to remove any personal information as the iPad will be restored to factory specifications and all data erased upon return.
  • Please instruct your students to return the iPad on the last day of your scheduled use as we need to prepare the iPads for the next scheduled class and this will help the student avoid large fines.
  • Please remember that the program is designed to give as many classes access to the iPads as possible which is why the class size is limited to 30.  This way we can schedule 2 classes during each block of time. 

A few Useful Sites

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please excuse any duplicate postings.


James Williams III                VOICE…….843.953.8015
Associate Dean                   FAX………843.953.6319

for Public Services, Technology and Administration
College of Charleston Library
205 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC  29401          Email…


Some people look at the world and ask “how can you believe in God without evidence or proof of his existence?” I ask how can you not believe in God and look at the world as evidence or proof that he exists!


Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.