Academic Team Cougars Commendable Performance at NAQT Sectionals - College of Charleston Libraries

February 9, 2016
Spotlight, College of Charleston, Addlestone Library

Academic-Team-2016-300x225 Academic Team Cougars Commendable Performance at NAQT Sectionals

Our Academic Team Cougars, James Peyla, Ann Bailey, Regan Wacker, and Kade Ford, had a commendable showing at the National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) Southeast Sectional at Georgia Institute of Technology on Saturday, 2/6/16. College teams from Georgia, Louisville, Vanderbilt, Clemson, Tennessee, Western Kentucky, Alabama, Wofford, and Jackson State competed in Saturday’s Division II Tournament. The College finished 6th in a field of 11 teams. Top scorer and Academic Team Captain James Peyla finished 5th overall in a field of 41 individual competitors. Team and Individual standings are shown below.

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Quiz bowl tournaments are Jeopardy style competitions in which individual players buzz in to answer tossup questions. A successful answer on a tossup leads to bonus questions which are answered by the entire team. Play is fast, and the questions are challenging covering the entire college curriculum as well as current events, sports, and popular culture. The College of Charleston Academic Team practices with their Faculty Advisor Christa Poparad in Addlestone Library Room 101 on Tuesdays at 6pm. For more information or to join the team, please email Team Captain James Peyla ( or Team President Erin Hynd (

Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.