Help Us Kick Off the Digital Scholarship Graduate Education Series This Week! - College of Charleston Libraries

October 13, 2015
Workshops, Spotlight, News & Happenings, Addlestone Library

The Graduate School and the Library are pleased to announce the first Digital Scholarship Graduate Education Series. This jointly sponsored workshop series from the Graduate School and the College of Charleston Libraries provides an introduction to digital scholarship tools and methodologies with guest speakers, demonstrations, and hands-on workshops.  The workshop series is geared toward graduate students who are curious about digital scholarship and interested in using digital humanities methodologies and tools in their research and professional endeavors.  Each workshop offering covers a different aspect of digital scholarship and presenters will discuss strategies for balancing digital and traditional scholarship.

Introduction to Digital Humanities
Guest Speaker – Jolanda (Joey) van Arnhem, Library
Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 4-5 pm
Addlestone Library, Room 122 

Session Description: This informal conversation introduces the concepts, tools and techniques of digital humanities research and projects. Topics covered include managing identity and collaboration, discovering information, managing and producing content, digital techniques to conduct and share research, and tips for professional development in the field of digital humanities.

A Digital Approach to the Interdisciplinary City: Bridging the Social Sciences and the Humanities
Guest Speaker – Benjamin Fraser, East Carolina University
Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 4-5 pm
Addlestone Library, Room 227 

Session Description: Over the course of the twentieth century, philosophers, historians, geographers and spatial theorists have consistently imagined the city from an interdisciplinary perspective. In parallel, as digital humanities approaches have evolved during the second half of the twentieth century and into the twenty-first, they have increasingly turned to questions of space and landscape, with concepts such as ‘deep maps’ and ‘thick mapping’ coming into focus (Presner, Shepard, Kawano 2014; Bodenhamer, Corrigan, Harris 2015). With both of these traditions in mind, this talk explores the city’s interdisciplinarity as a series of disciplinary layers that become concrete, in a sense, in the creation of collaborative digital urban projects. Such projects actualize an understanding of spatial production that draws on combinations of social science and humanities scholarship (whether Geo-Humanities, or Urban Cultural Studies).

Please promote the event as widely as you can and encourage graduate and undergraduate students to attend. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Cicely McCray ( or Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem (  Click here to download the full schedule as a PDF!

DigitalScholarshipSeries_Fall2015_Flyer-791x1024 Help Us Kick Off the Digital Scholarship Graduate Education Series This Week!

Addlestone Library is open to the College of Charleston community and affiliates via card access. Visitors may access Addlestone Library Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, and must present a government issued ID and sign in upon entry.